Since my trial of VoIP a couple of weeks ago, I have purchased a Linksys SPA-3000 from BroadbandBuyer.
I have configured this using the wizards at Voxilla to get me started, and then adjusted the dialing plan and added additional gateways for the alternate VoIP services that I have subscribed to. I have added a local area incoming number to my VoIPCheap account and this gives me outgoing caller id on all calls using VoIPCheap. Incoming calls also have caller id, better than paying for it with my existing phone provider.
I also came across a brilliant utility to monitor the SPA-3000 adapter. This is a free piece of software called Sipura 3000 System Tray Monitor. This will monitor the adapter to ensure that the VOIP service is registered and working and will also pop up a message with the caller id of incoming calls.
I rang Lyall today on this new setup and got a really clear line. Last time it was a cheap call; this time it was free. A 40 minute call to New Zealand for nothing!
My dial plan for anyone that is interested is currently:
This basically means that:
- 999 goes immediately via gateway 0 (my PSTN line)
- I dial a 9 to get connected to my PSTN line
- All local numbers get prefixed with the full dialing code and sent out
via gateway 2 (VoipCheap) - 01xxx ,02xxx and 07xxx (mobile) numbers get prefixed with the full
dialing code and sent out via gateway 2 - Any other calls get sent out via gateway 2
If VoipCheap calls become more expensive than one of the other services I can adjust the plan accordingly.
(edited to make dialing plan wrap around)