New website theme
After years of using the same or a variant of my WordPress theme, it was time for a change. After getting my HTC phone I became aware how much of a pain it was to keep zooming in on websites … Continue reading
After years of using the same or a variant of my WordPress theme, it was time for a change. After getting my HTC phone I became aware how much of a pain it was to keep zooming in on websites … Continue reading
I upgraded to WordPress 2.7.1 on one of my test blogs a few days ago using the new automatic upgrade feature. The upgrade went quickly and smoothly and everything worked afterwards, so that was good. Tonight, I got round to … Continue reading
It’s been a long time coming and at the end of last week I finally got around to revamping my family tree website. It used to be static pages that I hand-coded and hadn’t been updated for months. I have … Continue reading
After looking at the list of categories in my blog, I decided that I needed to add a few more. I have gone back through the posts and added them to the new categories where appropriate. This in theory, would … Continue reading
I was added to the Technorati Fave Train yesterday by Ilker at The Thinking Blog. This is a link and favorite train started by Gary Lee a couple of weeks ago. I’ve just spent the last couple of hours working … Continue reading
I had noticed about a week ago that my posts were not updating on Technorati although it was showing that my site had been updated. The problem seemed to be about the same time that I changed to using Feedburner … Continue reading