That is the title of this post, which should by all rights have been written yesterday.
Following the Music Centre Concert on Saturday morning, the kids went back with Jo’s Mum and Dad to stay overnight. This left us on our own, so we went kids free shopping in the afternoon.
Then in the evening we were picked up by some friends and all went to the Friends of Dunstable Music Centre Christmas meal. It was held at at The Old Farm Inn in Tottenhoe again, the same venue as last year. Some of the group are regulars there, singing and playing music on Monday nights. There were 13 of us in total, there should have been 14, but one of our friends dislocated his knee while carrying an amp out at the end of the concert.
I had the Crispy Bacon and Blue Cheese on a bed of salad for starter, this was enormous, almost a meal in itself. I followed it with Roast turkey and assorted vegetables. There were so many vegetables, that even after everyone had had their fill, there was enough to have gone round again. I finished off with Christmas pudding and cream and a coffee.
After the meal had finished, the instruments came out and the songs began. Some I knew, many I just managed to join in on the chorus, but a good time was had by all.
I don’t often drink, so somewhere between our arrival at about 8 and our departure at about 2:45 (our driver was flagging), the pints of Stella that just happened to travel my way might just have had something to do with the sore head of the title.
I don’t know what time the last ones were going to leave, but they looked to be settled for the night when we left.
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