- RT @libdems: IN FULL: The coalition agreement between @LibDems and @Conservatives in full: http://j.mp/CoalitionAgreement. – Liking this! #
- I have a good feeling about this coalition. I believe it can work in the best interest of the country. #iagreewithnick #iagreewithdave #
- Internet is very slow at the moment, some sites and twitter working. #
- Red Priest were on Radio 3 program In Tune earlier this evening http://bit.ly/cEbNq7 #
- Just back from recorder group. After 2 weeks they can play Morning has Broken. Pretty good when you think they're only 6-8 years old. #
- Last episode of Ashes to Ashes next week. All the loose ends to tie up. #
- Just back from taking photos in Ashridge this morning. Saw quite a few deer. #
- Got a photo of a brown hare this morning. http://bit.ly/aVFLcG It was only about 20 foot away. Really pleased, first time I've seen one. #
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