I think it is a combination of reasons. I use this blog to record my successes and findings in my family tree research. I also use it to vent my frustration over things, usually it seems related to cars. I record technical information and details of software I use or have found. Sometimes it is just used to record my thoughts and intentions.
I’m not sure who my audience is. Me, my family, distant relatives, complete strangers, I’m not sure. If any of my postings help someone with something, all the better, I have found solutions to many problems because other people were prepared to share information via the internet.
Until last year when I claimed my blog on Technorati, I hadn’t even considered actively trying to promote it. Even then I didn’t really do anything about it, just carried on making posts on a semi regular basis.
It was only earlier this year when John Chow started his competitions to win some goodies, that I started to get interested in doing something with the visability of the blog. I added John to my Technorati Favourites and then last weekend joined mybloglog.com. This is when I discovered just how many other varied blogs there are out there. I have joined several communities and now check on many different blogs.
Why do you blog or read blogs?
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