The weather today was really a scorcher, and so this afternoon, we went to the Hertfordshire Steam Engine Preservation Society (warning: website only works in IE not Firefox or Opera!) traction engine rally off the Leighton Buzzard bypass, about 15 minutes away.
This year was the 42nd Annual Rally, with over 300 exhibits from Traction engines and Steam rollers to Fairground organs and vintage farm tractors. I took my camera along to try out another film type (Kodak Portra 400VC) and the kids had our old digital camera. We got a new 128MB memory card for the old camera a month or so ago as they are so cheap, so now they have about 280 pictures to take on the card.
My son went a bit snap happy and looking at his shots there are some really nice ones, we’ve just got to get him to listen when we tell him how to hold the camera, as some were spoilt by stray fingers across the lens. It’s strange looking at the world from a seven year old viewpoint. I have added an album on my gallery for some of the photos he took today, it called Steam Rally 2007. Some of the photos, he was oblivious to what was in the shot, he was just concentrated on the target.
We had ice creams and the kids rode on the steam train and at the end we got some fudge from one of the stalls. A really good afternoon out.
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