My Tweets for the week 2010-01-23

  • 3 emails in 3 weeks from Find My Past trying to get me to re-subscribe. Wonder how many they lost over the 1911 Census #
  • @piperoflove Nice header image in reply to piperoflove #
  • It's going to be a busy month musically in March. Just found out Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham are playing at The Stables, MK on 30th March #
  • Going to see Red Priest on 10th March at The Stables, MK . Looking forward to seeing how the recorder should be played #
  • Seeing Simon Mayer & The Mandolinquents at The Stables, MK on 12th March Saw them last year #
  • At the Royal Albert Hall for Classical Spectacular on 20th March. Circle seats this time. #
  • On 27th March Dunstable Music Centre will have their end of term concert. That sounds a long way off, but I bet it won't be. #
  • Twitter not happy 'Service Temporarily Unavailable' #
  • RT @ScottBourne: Nailed It! – Osprey in flight catching his dinner – – #photog – Great shot #
  • 'Dowsing Rod' bomb detector banned for export from next week Iraq government spent $85m on hand held detectors #
  • Photographers protest later today over UK terror search laws #
  • Footage in Mexico's Cave of Crystals for the BBC series How the Earth Made Us #

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