My Tweets for the week 2010-01-31

  • Feed Informer who provide the combined RSS feed that I embed on my website homepage are not encoding the & causing validation to fail 🙁 #
  • @jamiemcclennan so you're not missing the cold weather over here then? Hope the tour goes well in reply to jamiemcclennan #
  • Feed Informer have fixed the validation problem with their code. Nice job guys. #
  • Just caught the cat as she ran off with a piece of blue stilton cheese from my daughter's plate. #
  • Snowing in Dunstable #uksnow LU6 1/10. Not due a lot, but then it wasn't due till mid afternoon. #
  • Snow stopped in Dunstable. Was it worth it? #uksnow LU6 0/10 #

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