- Just back from Watling Lower School Governor's Merit assembly. My recorder groups played really well; Year 2 have only been playing one term #
- Still snowing in Dunstable, only light 1/10 #uksnow A couple of mm settled on the road at the moment. #
- Snowing again in Dunstable. Great, onto frozen roads, that'll be fun. Hmm getting heavier as I type. 4/10 #uksnow LU6 #
- Our robin kept me company as I filled up the bird feeders and melted the snow on the bird bath. About 2 inches of snow out there. #
- Just dug the path to the house out this morning, just loose snow and then brushed the remainder off. Brr, cold out there. Time for coffee. #
- Drinking a bottle of Fuller's Vintage Ale and settling down to watch The Apprentice finale. I'm guessing that Stella will get hired #
- That was close, but I guessed right on The Apprentice #
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