- Just reading an aikido blog that I came across from an article on Aikido Journal, AikiThoughts http://bit.ly/hFRmEf lots of good posts. #
- Only a few more days until we see @TheUkes @StablesMK on Saturday night #
- Nikkyo and Focus: http://t.co/Bm1s11g #
- Wow, someone must be talking about me, my ears are glowing; I'd give Rudolph's nose a run for its money. #
- Just back from a great evening watching @TheUkes @StablesMK, front row. Back in Black still cracks me up – not the same as AC/DC at Wembley. #
- Two trips to @StablesMK this week. Back to see @EmilySmithmusic and @JamieMcclennan on Wednesday evening. #
- Do I miss queuing at the post office with mot and insurance to get my tax disc? No, I don't think so. Online is so much easier. #
- Hmm, my tweets aren't making it to my Facebook page, nothing in last 5 days. Grr. #
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