- Had a great time at Watling Lower School Summer Fair this afternoon. We went to promote Dunstable Music Centre and got a lot of interest. #
- Just had to take a photo of Jo with her phone for her Facebook account. All the thousands of photos I've taken and not one decent one 🙁 #
- Oh what a stupid cat! She's forgotten how to meow again. The mouth opens and no sound comes out #
- Keep the camera still!!! #torchwood #
- What a waste of an episode #torchwood #
- Anyone know how many episodes #torchwood is being dragged over? #
- It must be summer again. Had my hair cut short this morning. Wonder if I'll be lazy and let it grow again… probably. #
- Check this video out — The Firm – Star Trekkin' http://t.co/l4uSmiC via @youtube #
- BBC News – Amy Winehouse found dead, aged 27 http://t.co/mIU8LEU #
- The self financing Luton-Dunstable busway that no-one wants, will cost £550k out of council tax a year to maintain http://bit.ly/qn5x6y #
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