Having liked it so much last year, we booked to go back to Hallsannery for a couple of weeks this year. Our plan was to leave about 8am, but in the end we got away about 9:15am. Travelling along the M25, the engine coolant light started to flick on and off, but after stopping at the services and topping the level up, everything was fine.
We stopped off at the Little Chef after we came off the M3 and I have to say, they have really changed their game. The appearance, service, menu and quality of food are all so much better than they ever were. We got to see a couple of planes landing at the nearby airfield while we were eating.
The traffic slowed down on the stretch of road approaching Stonehenge, but nothing like as bad as lest year. We headed for the Black Dog pub in Chilmark where we ate last year and had another great meal. After a couple of brief stops we got to Hallsannery about 16:50.
The canopy at the front of the cottage has been removed, which meant we didn’t have to unload the bikes before parking up. In the kitchen were handmade scones and jam and vase of fresh flowers.
We’d been in for about an hour when we had a bit of a storm and were very glad we weren’t out in it.
We hadn’t brought any food with us and went out to Sainsbury’s to get some ready meals for tonight and milk etc. for the week. While we were driving back the heavens opened again.