My Tweets for the week 2011-11-27

  • My @Virginmedia Internet connection now back after 6 hours out. Tried ringing – too busy to get through. This is getting very unreliable. #
  • Like a bear with a sore head. I think I've cracked a filling and can't see the dentist until Wednesday evening. #
  • Ah! My @VirginMedia Internet connection just came back after about 14 hours downtime. Where's the redundancy? How long will this go on? #
  • And after about 10 minutes my @VirginMedia Internet connection disappeared for another 5 minutes. Back again now. This is ridiculous. #fail #
  • Got my music ready for tomorrow's end of term concert at Dunstable Music Centre. It's a start. #
  • Just loading the car up for Dunstable Music Centre end of term concert #
  • My @VirginMedia Internet connection finally came back after another 3.5 hour outage this afternoon. That's over 20 hours downtime this week. #

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